Posts that deal with Children’s books topics.
Thanks go to my parents for introducing the poetry of Dennis Lee to my brothers and I. Many of his poems I can still remember vividly. I sometimes wonder if exposure to his poetry at a young age formed part of who I am as a writer.
I’m sure you’ve heard about the story of “Sweet Pea & Friends: The SheepOver” by now. No? Well, read on. I’m taking a quick look at how it became a success.
The following is my review for Mia and the Awful Day, by Bron Whitley. This review was written as for the Children’s Book Review Group over at GoodReads.
Taking part in KDP Select can offer some distinct advantages when selling your Kindle ebook. Amazon boasts “more readers, more earnings and increased sales potential”. This all comes at a cost of exclusivity. Let’s take a closer look.
There’s lots of steps to follow when publishing your ebook, but they’re not complicated. Hopefully what I’ve shared below will help you avoid the pitfalls I stepped into.
Last week I posted about being part of a writers group over at GoodReads. I reviewed a book, and in turn, my book was reviewed. I have one book so far and that’s Noah’s Noodles.
Noah’s Noodles is a slippery story of food and fun for younger children, especially toddlers, preschoolers and children learning to read.
I self-published my first book “Noah’s Noodles” on Amazon’s Kindle platform. I describe the book here. The process getting to that point was relatively smooth, but also had its share of bumps.
Part of getting out there and rubbing shoulders with other authors includes reviewing other author’s works. I am a member of a review group over at GoodReads and recently reviewed Cinderella’s Escape by Gita Reddy.
My son sees the world around him in very unique ways. So when he presented me with this “Xbox controller” rock he found, then painted, my heart just swelled.