Entering uncharted territory, again
My first four novels were written based on screenplays I had written earlier, back when I had Hollywood stars in my eyes. The process for my fifth novel is a little different.
My first four novels were written based on screenplays I had written earlier, back when I had Hollywood stars in my eyes. The process for my fifth novel is a little different.
Do one thing that scares you every day. Well, it appears that I am doing two things that scare me each day.
That’s no joke. You can read the first few chapters of my books, online, right in your browser. No email required. No questions asked.
Halloween is almost upon us. It’s the perfect time to read a creepy page-turner, don’t you think?
Several times a year, I take part in group promotions. A bunch of authors join forces to pool the power of their subscription lists. There’s a big scary one this month!
Welcome! Thank you for reading Chapter 2. Neighbors Morning came fast for Bradley, but he hadn’t slept well. His back ached and he didn’t feel rested. The bed had the support of a hammock stretched to its limits. Sam poked his head into the bedroom. “I got to run and get some supplies,” Sam said.…
Welcome! Thank you for reading Chapter 1. Bronx Hunts Point was divided by a bustling industrial park to the south and poor residential neighborhoods to the north. Once a vibrant and sought-after vacation destination for New York’s elite at the turn of the 20th century, the district had became more and more industrialized, pushing residents…
Welcome! Thank you for reading. Airport At two o’clock in the morning the night before Bradley arrived, the cloudless skies over Hunts Point twinkled with stars. The new moon made the Point just a little darker. New moons are an active time for rats at night. The cover of darkness paired with the lack of…
Wow! It’s really happening. Thank you all for your patience. Vermin 2.0 is now available. Just click below! It’s been a long road and I appreciate everyone’s support. I sure would appreciate a share to help spread the word. Available on Kobo, Apple, Amazon, Google, and Barnes & Noble. Thank you! Now back to writing!…
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my brief dip into self-publishing so far, is things often take longer than expected. But Vermin is so close…