17 lessons from Stephen King
I guess I’m a “little” biased (“Little? HA!”) since I’m a self-confessed uberfan, but Stephen King’s advice continues to be both wise and inspirational.
I guess I’m a “little” biased (“Little? HA!”) since I’m a self-confessed uberfan, but Stephen King’s advice continues to be both wise and inspirational.
As I wrote my first novel, I would often struggle and pause, thinking about the distinction between showing and telling. Too much telling, and there’s no life. To much showing, and the reader can get lost, or overwhelmed.
Canada has a great system for creating and maintaining ISBN numbers for publications.
I was pleased with the mockup, so I bought the images I needed, and digitally combined them in Adobe Photoshop.
Going from the sketch from yesterday, I went on a quest to find stock imagery. The proper, and only, way to do this is to pay for it. My sources of choice are iStockPhoto and Shutterstock.
As I wrote the first draft of Tied, in the back of mind, a picture of the cover formed. By the time I was done the first draft, I had been “living” in my story for 8 months and the image of the cover was always there.
When the manuscript was off with my editor, I used that time to begin researching cover ideas.
Write every day, or that’s the goal. For my first novel, with daily work and family duties, the only time I was able to carve out for myself was weekend mornings. Here’s a chart of my progress.
Back in July, I enrolled in James Patterson’s Masterclass course. The price was reasonable and the course was complimented by a workbook and membership to a closed Facebook group, where other writers could share their insights.
There it is, my shiny new manuscript, just shy of 65,000 words and the result of eight months of getting up at 6am on weekends to write.